We are busily learning about magnets with our NTA project
called magnets and motors. We have done
3 experiments so far. The last experiment , students worked in pairs to come up
with their own experiment to show the strength of a magnet (Was 2 magnets together
double as strong/Did the strength the magnets increase proportionately to how
many magnets were put together?)
Each pair videotaped and documented on paper their findings.
At the end, students peer assessed their videos to make sure
all the content of their experiment, documentation, discussion and results were
included. I was able to view their videos together with each pair and further
the discussion if need be. I’m in the
process of making my own assessment.
In school, students started reading pages 6-13 in a book
called Magnets and Motors. The class
assignment was to read each short article. Make a vocabulary list in English
and summarize what they have read. Most
students were busy and got something done. They were working on this for
approximately 4 lessons (while I met with a small group). Some students today
wanted to take it home to continue because it should be done by Tuesday. If
they are not done, please make sure that they have their notebook and reading book
anyway on Tuesday. Then they can
take it home again Tuesday afternoon. The notebook and topic is a very big part of their physics grade.
Week 16
under 1800-talet, fredag 13 maj
genomgår stora förändringar under 1800-talet. Välj ett par av följande punkter
och beskriv vilka orsaker de har och vilka konsekvenser de får för Sverige.
· Jordbrukets
förändring med laga skifte
· Industrialismens
framväxt och järnvägen
· Emigrationen
· Liberalismen
med riksdag och rösträtt
· Folkskolan
med skola för alla
din hjälp vid studier har du Historieboken s. 194-205, häftet om 1800-talet,
filmklipp om 1800-talet - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93MfIna7QRM
vill du också titta på historieätarna om 1800-talet, finns på Youtube.
dig gärna av dessa sambandsord i dina beskrivningar.
innebär/innebar, eftersom, vilket leder/ledde till, alltså, på grund av,
jämfört med, därför, däremot, medan, slutligen
Due May 4: The math review package
Due Tuesday 26/4: Look at home for 5 things that use a magnet (not that are magnetic). Write and describe each one. How is the magnet used? You may also draw.
week 14
Due May 4: The math review package
Everyone received a paper about a movie review. I've sent it also as an email.
Due Friday 15/4
ramarna för vår
egen vårsalong
material, från skolan eller hemifrån
till 4 X 80 min. Kanske behövs det mer tid.
ska finnas med en beskrivning om konstverket där du berättar vad det handlar
om, där berättar du även var du fått din inspiration ifrån och hur du arbetat
med ditt verk.
som vill kan sätta ett pris på sitt verk.
på länken nedan och se hur en beskrivning av ett verk kan se ut:
& Madelen
Due May 4
Week 7
Inför Testet
den 26/2
den 26/2 har vi ett mindre test på Media och kommunikation.
testet ska du kunna använda och berätta om följande begrepp:
och sekundärkälla
du vill öva hemma kan du läsa i samhällskunskapsboken och/eller se om avsnitten
av Är det sant? De finns på www.ur.se sök på Är
det sant?
kan också fundera på vad du tycker om åldersgräns för sociala medier.
till! Patrik
Friday 19/2 Review algebra in your maths book. There is a quiz coming up next Friday.
Week 5
reading for enjoyment
National testsTuesday and Thursday next week!
Get a good night's sleep every night to keep your immune system up during February the cold and flu season!
Week 4
3/2 Math quiz about coordinates, mode, median, average
Week 3
Continue working on book reports. I have extended the day for a few reasons. The last day to hand them in is 4/2. You may hand it in early if want to.
There's a math quiz about coordinates on 3/2. We will start with the topic on Tuesday. If you have your math books at home, please bring them in.
Week 2
Book reports: You may choose any book your want as long as it is a fiction book. Questions were given out on Tuesday. You can find them also on the page Mother Tongue English. They are due on Thursday 28th January. You may have time in school to work on it if you finished with other assigned work. It's a good idea to have your book with you Tuesdays-Fridays.
Math quiz about geometry. Review the vocabulary and how to find area, perimeter etc. The quiz will be Wednesday 20/1
Review vocabulary about fires
Week 51
Book report due 28/1. Next week you will get the specific questions. The book will be a fiction book of your choice but the setting needs to be in a place other than Sweden. It should also take place in modern times.
Historiaprov 15/12
Geometry quiz 16/12 ..Postponed until after the holidays due to many illnesses! The new date will be Wednesday during week 3 20/1 You may take your math book home over the holidays to review
Week 50
11/12 Spanish test
Math: We are working with the geometry chapter....triangles, angles, area and perimeter. We've worked with the problems in the math book up to page 80. The quiz will be similar to the "diagnos" in the book.
Week 49
Week 48
Book reports are due on Thursday 3/12
If you were away last week , then you missed the following:
1. nutrition assignment
2. assignment about colds/flu
3. We started reviewing area and perimeter (pages 70-72)
4. multiplication quiz
5. following directions to make a box
Plan on staying on Wednesday afternoon to catch up if you need to. You can also stay after on Tuesday between 14-15.
SO-Då vi kör igång med Frihetstiden i historia nästa vecka vill jag att ni som inte var här fredagen den 27/11 tittar på Historieätarna i helgen, avsnittet om Frihetstiden.
Länk till programmet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJ-FHiZJAlk
Week 47
Verb test in Spanish: http://www.4liber.se
Läxa till nästa fredag (27/11) är att se avsnitt 8 av Sveriges historia – Stormaktstidens uppgång.
Anteckna gärna frågor och funderingar så tar vi upp dem den 27/11.
Om du vill kan du titta på programmet i skolan under läxtimmen på onsdag.
Instuderingsfrågor, stormakt- och frihetstid
· Ge några exempel på källor från 1600-talet som kan berätta för oss hur det var då, förklara.
· Vad är det som gör Sverige till en stormakt? ge några exempel på orsaker.
· Hur påverkade alla krigen Sveriges befolkning? Resonera och jämför adeln med ”vanligt” folk.
· Tiden mellan Karl XII och Gustav III kallas frihetstiden, varför? Ge några exempel på orsaker till detta.
· Ge några exempel på/resonera om spår av stormaktstid och frihetstid vi kan se i dagens samhälle.
Nutrition quiz 27/11: Review carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals.You may use all your notes that you've taken during students' rotation
Continue with your book report! See below or on the Mother tongue English page for more information. It is due on Dec 3!
Continue with your book report! See below or on the Mother tongue English page for more information. It is due on Dec 3!
Week 46
Everyone has a book that they should be reading at home or in school when there is time. They have all received instructions for the assignment as well. It is below and also on the Mother Tongue English page.
Maths:due 20/11
Look in a newspaper, magazine etc and find an example of two different graphs.
Week 45
English/MLEng It's time for another book report! Choose a book that is a historical fiction book.
Historical Fiction Book Report
Choose a historical fiction book to read. In your book report you should have the following:
1. The title, author, and illustrator should be on your report. You should also draw a picture of what you think the main characters/setting looks like. Please draw your own, don’t trace or copy from the cover/inside of the book.
2. A description of when and where the book takes place. You can include facts.
3. Choose two questions from below to answer.
Summarizing questions:
Outline in point form the most important events from your book. Describe the events in a few sentences each.
Read the summary blurb on the back of the book. How would you change the blurb if you wrote it. Explain your reasoning.
If the main character died at the end of your book, what would you write for a eulogy?
4. Choose two questions to answer below.
Synthesizing questions:
What is something you’ve learned from your reading?
Did any of the character’s feelings change as you read? Explain why or why not.
Describe the major conflict in your book. Whose side are you on? Why?
Your report should be typed. If you need to you can type it on Wednesdays during Homework Help with Lotta. Remember to check your grammar (capitalization, sentences, verb agreement, etc). If you want me to print your report then send it in to hillary.brown@stockholm.se at the latest Thursday 3rd Dec. It is important that you do keep to this date since I am working on your Dec grade for MLENG
Week 44 Autumn holidays
Week 43
Wednesday 21/10
You have been put into a "Halloween" group. You started in school on Thursday coming up with an idea for a story and a station. On Wednesday afternoon be prepared to tell the class what your group will be doing. You will probably need to work a little at home to prepare in order to be ready on Friday. The stations will be set up at 12:20. You will have until 12.45 to set everything up. Other students from the school will be coming to visit our station from 12:45-14:14.
Week 42
Thursday October 15: Click on the link for more info. Written Assessment for Science
Tuesday 13/10 Math quiz: percentages and probability
Week 41
All math assignments up to page 47 are due on Wednesday 7/10
Du ska göra en parafras av din staty, förbered dig genom att planera hur den skulle kunna se ut och vad du vill uttrycka. Beskrivning under "BILD". Jag vill också påminna om att lämna in tidigare uppgifter om du ännu inte gjort det. Monday 5/10 Bild
Thursday 8/10 Assessment task in students' rotation
Nutrition with Hillary: A friend is going to eat at a fast food chain. Your friend asks you for advice on what to order. Write about a healthy choice of food for your friend. Include why you think it was a healthy choice. Include vitamins/minerals and how the food might help your body. You may use your notes that you have written.
SO with Micke: They will have a task about minority languages in Sweden.
Chemistry with Lotta: This group has a test about atoms and received papers about it.
Friday 9/10 Think of a topic that you will write about for the science assessment on the 15/10. For more information look under science planning
Week 40
There is a Social Studies test on 2 October. There is more information under the page Samhallskunskap Also take a look at RÄTTEGÅNGSSKOLAN
se under fliken BILD . Homework in Art, see "BILD".
Maths: due 1/10
Individual maths assignment about decimals. Please make sure that you bring your book back to school
Take a photo of a price tag in a store of any item. Send the photo to hillary.brown@stockholm.se
Due Monday 21/9
se under fliken BILD . Homework in Art, see "BILD".
Due Tuesday 22/9
There is a Social Studies test on 2 October. There is more information under the page Samhallskunskap Also take a look at RÄTTEGÅNGSSKOLAN
Due Thursday 17/9
Compensation work for a sleepin morning on Tuesday is due by 10.00
Have a great time in Gotland!
Book report presentations will be done during the week. :-)
On Thursday 17/9, we have students’ rotation (elevensval). Your child should know which group they are in.
Lotta’s group learned about atoms and they were given papers to read and will have a test on Thursday 17/9
My group has been learning about the chemistry of food and nutrition, they were given a homework assignment. It is to write down the food that you’ve eaten in a day. On Thursday, they will be writing about the vitamins and minerals that were in their meals. They will also need to write about what the vitamins are good for. They were also given handouts to read through. Please make sure they bring the handouts back. They can use them when they write.
Micke’s group was work on Social studies and were given handouts to read through. They will be given a task based on the handouts.
Hanna’s gym group will be having a regular lesson.
For your book report/presentation you will need the following:
a summary of the book that you read (2-3 paragraphs)
your favorite part (1-2 paragraphs)
your favorite character (1-2 paragraphs)
a poster to show the book
recommendation ....why or why not?
All maths assignments for the topic Decimals need to be handed in by Friday 11/9 at the latest.
Finish reading the articles about recycling and answer the questions.
Due Friday 4/9
You will have some time on Tuesday 2/9 in school to work on it.
Maths: Continue with your decimal work in the book and worksheets if you haven't finished. There will be a quiz on Tuesday 1/9.
Prepare for your IDP talk if you haven't.
Due Thursday, 27/8
You received a package of all the subject rubrics in Swedish. You will be preparing for your development talk while you do your assignment. Your task
1. Open up your written assessment on Skolwebb.
2. Find the knowledge requirement rubrics for each subject.
3. Mark on your paper what has been highlighted already.
Bring in an empty pencil case to keep your pencils in order in your drawer.
Send in your summer nature photos.
Bring in your summer reading book by 28/3
SVENSKA: Har en skönliteratur bok på svenska.
Läs "en liten sammanfattning"
MATH: Continue to study your multiplication facts 0-12 tables. The timed test which consists of 50 facts should be done in under 10 minutes. The test will be on Wednesday 26/8.
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