9/6 End of term ceremony
The end of term ceremony for the parents begins at 10:00 in the schoolyard. Students need to be in the classroom by 9:30 at the latest. After the ceremony at approximately 10:45, we will go to the classroom for approximtely 15-20 minutes.
7/6 Brännboll match 10:00 6th graders against the teachers
3/6 Football match 10.00 6th graders against the teachers.
2/6 During the day, students will be meeting in the football teams that were made today to plan their attack :-) against the teacher team.
2/6 6th Grade dinner Gather near the flag at 16:45! The dinner will be over at approximately 20:00.
School ends that day at 14:00 in case students want to go home and freshen up.
30/5 Open Classroom 15:00-17:30 You will be able to view your child's work and national tests.
On Monday 30th May (15:00-17:30) or (9:00-11:20), or Friday June 3 (14:00-16:00) there is an open house. You will be able to see your child’s work and national tests. Please let me know which day you are planning on coming and approximate time.
24/5 Student rotation assessmentin Lotta and Hillary's group. Papers and notes may be used in Hillary's group if your child has them.
26-27/5 Hillary away on a course
10/5 Track and Field Sports Day at Kristinaberg's IDP
On Tuesday 10th May, we have our sports day at Kristinebergs IDP. It begins at 9:15.
Students may meet us directly there at 9:15 if they want to. Patrik will be there earlier.
The other alternative is to meet me at Odenplan near the benches at 8:45.
Last alternative is to go to school at 8:20 and go with another teacher
Please let me know what your child is going to do that morning before Monday 8:00, so I can tell other teachers if need be.
Students will need a packed lunch and appropriate clothing for a sports day. It is supposed to be a warm sunny day so they may need water bottles, caps, glasses, sunscreen etc
4/5 Math Review pack is due!
28/4 Assessment in Lotta and Hillary's student choice groups. Hillary's group may use their papers if they have them.
25/4 Art lesson due to missing art on the 18/4 (Chess Tournament)
22/4 English (Engelska) National test
20/ 4 Lecture for parents about students and the internet. More info soon!
19/4 English (Engelska ) National Test
18/4 Chess Tournament, more information to come. No Art lessons
13/4 In school PRAO 8:20-14:40 in different classrooms and afterschool care
Those students in class 2B will be going on an outing but will get lunch from school.
12/4 No School for grade 6
8/4 Math National Test
7/4 Assessment in Hillary and Lotta's student rotation groups. If you are in Hillary's group remember to take your papers. You will be able to use them in you have them.
6/4 Math National Test
MARCH11/3 Romme, More information to come
7/3 Utflykt till Liljevalchs med Bild. (Ulla och Loulou)
Information inför
studiebesök på Liljevalchs:
Konsthallen är
uppkallad efter den framgångsrike affärsmannen Carl Fredrik Liljevalchs jr
(1837-1909). Han frotterade sig med 1800 talets konstnärskändisar. Initiativet
till Liljevalchs togs efter hans död. Den uppfördes med hjälp av pengar som
blev över i hans bouppteckning.
Vårsalongen hålls
varje år från januari till mars. En stolt tradition sedan 1921. Vem som helst
kan söka och får chansen att ställa ut sina verk. En jury väljer ut vilka verk
som får vara med utan att få veta vem som har skapat dem. Samtliga verk är till
salu med priset satt av konstnären själv.
Vi åker från
skolan runt 12.00 och tar oss till Liljevalchs Vårsalong som just nu är i
lokaler bredvid Gallerian, Malmtorgsgatan 8.
Där får vi en
guidad visning. Efter studiebesöket åker vi tillsammans tillbaka till skolan
och slutar för dagen.
Om någon elev
vill ta sig hem själv så vill vi att en förälder skickar med en påskriven
På ”Vårsalongen”
får vi se exempel på vad konst kan vara. Vi gör även besöket för att få
inspiration till vår egen vårsalong i klassen. Under 4x80 min kommer varje elev
att få arbeta med och skapa sitt konstverk:
ramarna för vår egen vårsalong.
material som finns att tillgå, från skolan eller hemifrån
till 4 X 80 min
på skolan
ska finnas med en beskrivning där man berättar var man får sin inspiration
ifrån, vad den föreställer och hur man arbetat med sitt verk.
Den som vill kan
sätta ett pris på sitt verk.
Hälsningar Ulla
23/2 National test in Swedish for those that were ill.
Ice skating at Östermalms IP, åk 5-6
Torsdag 18/2
kl 9.00 – 13.00 ca
You will need a lunch and your own skates. You may meet us directly there if you live close. Please let me know in advance if you will. School finishes as usual at 15.40.
9/2 & 11/2 National tests in Swedish
10-12/2 Hillary away on a course
You will need a lunch and your own skates. You may meet us directly there if you live close. Please let me know in advance if you will. School finishes as usual at 15.40.
9/2 & 11/2 National tests in Swedish
10-12/2 Hillary away on a course
26/1 Teachers from Rodeberg Skola will come and talk to the class. The last day to register your child for next year is 15/2. They are having an open house on the 30/1. Please see an earlier email I sent out from them with more information or on their wedsite.
Week 3 Development talks
19/1 Geography test
21/1 Make up history test for those that were absent before the December holidays and missed it.
22/1 Math geometry quiz
Week 51
Skolwebben doesn't work for attendance.
information till alla vårdnadshavare
Under vecka 51,
14-18/12, går det inte att sjukanmäla elever via Skolwebben. Varken anmälan via
app, sms-anmälan eller inloggning på Skolwebben fungerar, då förvaltningen
byter datasystem.
För att
sjukanmäla elever ringer ni under denna vecka före kl.08.00 till en
telefonsvarare på skolan, och meddelar barnets för-och efternamn, personnummer,
klass och vilket datum frånvaroanmälan gäller.
nummer för frånvaroanmälan vecka 51: 08-
508 445 01
18/12 End of term celebration:
Grades are sent home by mail. This year the last day of school will be held on Friday 18/12 like the majority of other schools in Stockholm. Parents are invited in the morning in the schoolyard and then students continue in school for a shortened school day.
8:20- An assembly will be held in the school yard at 8:20. Parents are all welcome. After the assembly there will be lessons/activities during the day. School ends at 13:40.
17/12 "End of term fika"Those students that had their birthdays during July-Dec may bring in something to share with the class in the afternoon on Thursday.
17/12 We are have a Winter crafts morning with our buddy classes (F and 3). If you have any egg carton, paper towel rolls (or anything else you think could be uselful) send them in.
16/12 Last day to sign up for development talks during week 3.
8/12 School ends at 15:00
Hour of Code 13:30-14:30 in the classroom
klasser börjar 8.00. OBS! Portarna i A-huset låses 7.55. Reglera de 20 min vid
något annat tillfälle under veckan.
klasser som inte ska se det första luciatåget stannar i klassrummen fram tills
det första tåget är klart.
elever som ev kommer för sent går till F-1-huset.
8.25 är första tåget slut och vi låser upp portarna igen.
låser vi portarna och andra tåget går 8.45.
elever i korridorerna fram tills det andra tåget är klart.
Week 49
1/12 School ends at 15:00
4/12 School ends at 14:40
Week 48 National test in maths Tuesday 24th
Week 46 National Test in Swedish Tuesday 10/11
Week 45-The English national test in speaking is spread out throughout the week.There will be substitutes during the days I'm administering the tests on Tuesday-Friday.
Week 45-50 National tests in Swedish, English and Maths (spoken part only)
Week 43
Thursday 22/10 UN Day Celebration
den 22/10 är ni välkomna på en FN-samling i aulan.
F-klasser, åk 1 och åk 4
12.30 åk 2, åk 5, åk 6
1. Give peace a chance (alla)
2. Äppelmelodi
3. Heal the world (alla)
4. All together now (alla)
5. We are the world (alla)
Sista visan (3orna)
Give peace a chance (alla)
Week 42
Week 41
Monday 5/10 Bild
Du ska göra en parafras av din staty, förbered dig genom att planera hur den skulle kunna se ut och vad du vill uttrycka. Beskrivning under "BILD". Jag vill också påminna om att lämna in tidigare uppgifter om du ännu inte gjort det.
Wednesday 7/10 Math quiz percentages and probability
Friday 9/10 Evacuation drill
Week 39
Hemuppgift till måndag 21/9, se under fliken "BILD". Homework in Art, see "BILD".
Hillary away 21-23
Tuesday 22/9 6B is going to the Court house (Tingsrätt). They are leaving from school at 8:00. Please email Patrik directly at patrik.garney@stockholm.se if you wonder about anything concerning the trip. No lunch is needed.
Week 38
15/9 compensation work for sleep in morning due by 10:00. You may come to school to do it at 8:20 if you want to. Please let Patrik know if you will come to school at 8:20.
18/9 Haga Dagen hopefully!
Fredagen den 18
September hoppas vi på bättre väder och gör ett nytt försök med hagaloppet.
Lågstadiet (år
1,2 & 3) är först ut och startar ca. 9.30 med prisutdelning därefter.
Mellanstadiet (år 4,5 & 6) drar igång efter lunch ca. 12.30 med
prisutdelning därefter.
Lunch äter varje
klass på skolan som vanligt.
School ends at 15:40 at school.
School ends at 15:40 at school.
Week 37
7/9 Information about Gotland in school for the class
9/9 Student council photos are taken
11/9 class photo and individual photos taken
12-14/9 Gotland
15/9 Assignment from Patrik is due instead of coming to school at 8:20. School begins at 10:00.
Week 36
31/8 Quiz "en liten sammanfattning
1/9 Math quiz decimals
4/9 School ends at 13:40
31/8, 1/9 and 3/9 Kindly sign up for your child's IDP talks directly on Skolwebb. If you need assistance please let me know.
All of the afternoon IDP talks on Monday will be in the
classroom. I’ve scheduled 20 minutes for each, 5 minutes overlap time for each.
(The last 5 minutes I’ll need to make look over the plan on skolwebb). Our goal together is to have a typed out plan
on skolwebb that we all agree upon and can work with. Sometimes they will be similar
to last year’s plan. Your child will
need his/her black folder/rubrics for review.
I'll let you know individually about where the others will be the day before.
2/9 Haga Day: School begins at 8:20 in the classroom and ends after we arrive at school around 14:00.
3/9 Parents' meeting18:00. This term's meeting will focus on topic of grades. The meeting will be held in the auditorium and then in the classroom in case there are any last minute details about Gotland.
Week 35
27/8 Swimming at Vanadis
Week 37
Home economics begins on Wednesday. We'll meet at Odenplan at 8:20.
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