Monday, October 12, 2015

Week 41

This week in Swedish we wrote a fictional text about a made-up animal that we made up with help of our imagination from scratch. First we got a paper to write down key words under different topics. For example: age and food. When we had done that we where allowed to start writing. The point of the assignment was to write a text with the structure of a fictional text.

Student Rotation

In student rotation (Hillary) we had a test about vitamins and minerals. The question to the test was " if you were in a hurry to your practice or something and you didn't have time to go home and eat with your family and you had to eat at a fast food place like McDonalds, Max, Burger King what would you eat? "
What you were supposed to do was to write what vitamins and minerals are in that meal.


We had a substitute during NO he had lived in China for 5 years, so he talked Chinees to us in the end of the class. He wrote 9 questions on the board about nature stuff. We where supposed to think about something to write a argumentitive text with something  with the enviorment to do. On the 15 of the October we are going to have a written assesment wich will be fun.

                                                          Home economics 
This week in home economics we made pancakes. It was fun because all of the people in our group succeeded making the pancakes. We made about 10 each in average and they were all perfect. Everybody had time to finish frying the pancakes. 


This week we have started to work with "arbete & pengar" we read some pages in a book that it said what the money goes to in the family. We also saw a chart of how much money we use on different stuff, like food, free time, cars, other. We also saw a movie about money. Earlier this month we had a test on "samhällskunskap" which we felt went well.

                                                            Evacuating training

Today the whole school did an evacuation to Imanuels Kyrkan. If the school had a fire then we would go to the church for protection. We left at 9am and we came back at 10am. We missed a break!!!!



In woodwork we are making boxes that have something to do with us and what we like/personalities.


In sewing we are making clothes. You can f.ex make a T-shirt, soft shoes or an apron. Some people are also making soft-toys.

We watched Save The World with Michael Jackson, Lionel Richie , Pink and many more. We also watched the new version that's for Haiti.  With all  new singers like Justin Bieber , Madonna and many more.  We also sang Heal The World and Save The World. We are training on those songs because on FN day we will sing them on the school yard. We also trained a bit on notes and rhythms.


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